Tuesday, August 27, 2013

VMA Reaction

I'm sure by now, everyone has heard about what happened at the Mtv Video Music Awards this past Sunday night. I want to discuss two events in particular: Miley Cyrus' performance and the NSYNC reunion.

Miley, Miley, Miley.

I wonder what happened in her childhood to lead her to this. I'm sure part of it has to do with being a child Disney star. Imagine growing up in the spotlight with such high expectations before you can even spell the word "expectation." I'm sure these kids have a lot on them to be successful, to be a star, to be a role model, etc. So it's no surprise that when they grow up and break away from Disney, they go wild with all the things they couldn't do before. That I completely understand. What I do not understand is the need to jump around like an idiot and hump foam fingers on stage in front of thousands of people. It was just bad and trashy. And to be all over a 30-something year old married man is not ok. I'm just glad that I don't have to explain what happened on that stage to a young child.

And NSYNC. The rumored reunion was the only thing that motivated me to watch the VMAs this year. I was so excited and hyped up for it....only to be majorly let down. It lasted all of 90 seconds and didn't seem like anything special. It was awesome to see one of my favorite childhood groups back together, but it felt like a huge tease. And, I don't know, it just didn't feel special. It was just like "hi we're here, we're singing together, now we're gone."

Overall, the VMAs were a waste of time but not without hilarious moments of stupidity where I question humanity. I honestly had more fun reading people's tweets during the show than watching it.


Saturday, August 17, 2013

Black Cat Appreciation Day

Today is Black Cat Appreciation Day. Black cats have it hard because of old, outdated superstitions. I know how hard it can be to be judged by your label and not for who you are. That is why I love black cats so much, because they are the least likely to be loved. The cat in this picture is my baby boy, Zero. He is the biggest brat and he is such a handful, but I love him to pieces and I couldn't imagine my life without him. 

Give black cats a chance. They are the best and they have the biggest personalities!

Jey =^_^=

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Otakon 2013: A Con in Review

This past weekend, I attended Otakon for the first time in 3 years. I stopped going to anime cons because I got tired of the poor management and spending so much money only to be disappointed. I got tired of the people I met there and I wasn't having fun anymore.

So, what brought me back this year?
T.M. Revolution.

I went into the con this year thinking I would just suffer through it to see one of my favorite musicians in the entire world. Instead, I ended up having one of the best weekend I've had in a long time. Every single day was an early day, and every night was a late night. Like most con-goers, I spent a lot of time in line waiting for things. Got up early to wait in line for tickets to meet TMR, wait for panels, wait for concerts, wait for autographs, etc. But, that's just part of the whole experience. And the people around me and my friends in line were actually pretty cool, so it made the hours sitting in line so by quickly. And speaking of lines, I was pleasantly surprised by how well the Otakon staff handled all the lines I waited in. Yes, there were incidents of people cutting in line without waiting in line all day like the rest of us, but that happens everywhere. But, there was no major drama, no one was upset by a staff mistake, no major issues. Anyone who has sat in lines in years past knows this has not always been the case, so hats off tot he staff this year.

The people I met this year were really awesome too. The cosplays were top notch, and all the Deadpools everywhere was absolutely hilarious! Everyone I talked to while waiting in a line was really cool. If nothing else, anime conventions are great for people watching.

And, needless to say, the Saturday concert with T.M. Revolution and Home Made Kazoku was awesome! Both were great performers and were so much fun to see live. This was my first time seeing HMK, and my second seeing TMR. Neither disappointed. Everyone played their hearts out and you could tell that they were genuinely enjoying playing for a large American audience. I was very lucky to meet both TMR and HMK as well. They were all extremely nice and it was a huge honor to meet them.

My only complaint is that I don't have the energy I used to when I was a teenager for all the running around we did. Our day usually started early to go wait in line, and ended late with the rave (which also improved significantly since the last time I went). It was definitely one of the most fun, but also the most tiring weekends I've had in a long time. I am so happy I went and I am already looking forward to next year!

Til next time,
Jey =^_^=

New Blog

Hello everyone!

My name is Jey and this is my new blog I am starting up. I used to blog several years ago, but I fell out of it. Lately, something stirred in me to start writing again, so here comes a new blog! This is just a test/intro post to get things going. See you all later!

Jey =^_^=